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Share your Message Effectively
Multi Channel Broadcasting


targeted media buying, SMS+email outreach, and follow-up

As of 3/1, I'm taking 5 new clients for this system, so fill out the realtor interest form now:

Your all-Inclusive META ads agency

It's 2024, and Social Media algorithms continue to be the most potent way of finding your audience.

This is why YOU MUST be posting to facebook and instagram using my proven designs and proven headlines. 

Allow me to implement creative advertising to your local real estate market.

Then the hard work comes, discussing with and nurturing each and every prospect...

Don't do this alone.

“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.” - John Wanamaker

Lukas Koller Marketing

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find selling points

test the market

week 1

optimize campaigns

launch emails

week 2

start showings

move to organic email and social media

week 3-4

take action to close sales

continue follow-up

months 2-6

Apply for
Free onboarding

I'm giving away a free 1-month META ads management to someone with a profitable business model. YOU: 

  1. are not currently working with me

  2. have a scalable product 

  3. have considered multiple marketing avenues

Just like with my current clients (I <3 u) , I will design both video and image ads and manage your ad campaign, with check-ins every 2 days. We will do branding, website, and other consultations. Getting your business in front of people involves multiple avenues (digital/physical) and multiple touchpoints. 

I'm looking for entrepreneurs and project builders with a vision, if you're serious about 10x or 20x-ing your pipeline click below --> 

Customized strategy

Cutting Edge

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